
Last week the Southern Region saw temperatures above normal, with significant departures in the Texas Panhandles, Trans-Pecos Region, and areas in southeastern Oklahoma and the southern portions of Louisiana and Mississippi. normal with substantial rainfall for the Eastern portion of the Region. Flash drought continues to be a concern in Oklahoma, with rapidly declining soil moisture and surging fire weather danger. Extreme heat and lack of rainfall for West Texas is continuing drought degradation in Far West Texas leading to the expansion of extreme and exceptional drought (D3 & D4). Drought degradations were also observed last week across Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Mississippi. Fortunately for Tennessee though, continued near-to-above-normal precipitation resulted in more one-class improvements, almost eliminating moderate drought (D1) in the state.
Looking into the future, as outlined by the 8-14 Day Hazards by the Climate Prediction Center, much of North Texas, southern Oklahoma, and central Mississippi are at risk for flash drought. This is a result of forecasted excessive heat and low topsoil moisture.