The Department of Atmospheric Sciences is one of the largest meteorology programs in the nation and the only comprehensive undergraduate, graduate and research programs in Texas. Atmospheric sciences faculty, graduate students and undergraduate students conduct research across numerous branches of the discipline: atmospheric dynamics, boundary layer – surface interactions, climate dynamics and change, numerical modeling, atmospheric chemistry, aerosol – cloud interactions, synoptic and mesoscale meteorology and radiative transfer and remote sensing.
The Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) is the largest transportation research agency in the United States. It actively participates in, and leads over 250 local, state, and national organizations. TTI addresses all modes of transportation, including highway, air, water, rail, pipeline, and automated vehicles. TTI led over 70 National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) projects, more than any other participant in the program.
Trabus Technologies is nationally recognized as one of the fastest growing small business hi-tech engineering companies in the United States. Trabus has over 150 patents in the areas of wireless and machine learning technologies. Trabus participates in advanced R&D with the US Navy, US Army Corps of Engineers, US Geological Survey, Department of Homeland Security, US Coast Guard, NOAA, Marine Industry, and Oil & Gas Industry. Trabus' research addresses the areas of communications, cybersecurity, systems engineering, environmental science, hydrological predictions, and river information services.
Texas Sea Grant is headquartered at Texas A&M University in College Station and also has staff members located at Texas A&M University at Galveston and Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, and in several other communities along the coast. Texas Sea Grant’s competitive research grant program draws on the expertise of the state’s top scientists. At the same time, its coastal extension agents and specialists working in the field translate and communicate research results to stakeholders in ways that meet the real-world needs of Texans.